Sharp & Fine is holding auditions to connect with performers who might be interested in working with us for future projects. We are currently planning our 2025-2026 projects and while we do not yet have confirmed casting needs, we would like to get to know performers who might be a good fit for our process and resonate with our current collaborators.
Our work focuses on storytelling and uses spoken text, live music, lots of props, complex partnering, and rigorous dancing. We admire performers who are earnest, generous, daring, silly, and permeable in their approach to creating and performing. We create each new work through a long and collaborative process that values individual contributions from every member of the cast to devise the narrative, characters, choreography, and text. For a full evening-length work, we generally develop the material in at least 250 rehearsal hours over the course of a year or more. We typically rehearse 1-2 times per week, interspersed with more intensive development and rehearsal periods. S&F pays performers as employees and our 2025 rate is $32/hour.
There will be two audition sessions. You are welcome, but not required, to attend both sessions.
Friday, February 7th, 12:15pm-3:15pm at Berkeley Ballet Theater
Thursday, February 27th, 12pm-3pm at Joe Goode Annex in San Francisco
Applicants must be invited to attend an audition session. To be considered for the audition, please fill out the application form (which includes directions to submit a video reel and CV) by:
February 4th - for the February 7th session
February 24th - for the February 27th session
If you are unable to attend these audition sessions, but would like us to review your materials, feel free to fill out the form and submit your materials. We always enjoy getting to know folks and can keep you in mind for future audition opportunities.